Hotchkiss Ambassador Speaker Series
In 2018, the Academy began its collaboration with the Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Connecticut through a program suggested by Hotchkiss alum and Academy member, Ambassador Robert M. Beecroft. Through this partnership, the Academy has since created the Ambassador Speaker Series, which aims to educate students about the importance of diplomacy.

Hotchkiss Programs

2020 Hotchkiss Ambassador Speaker Series
On December 10, 2020, Ambassador Maureen Quinn represented the Academy at our annual Ambassador Speaker Series with the Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Connecticut. During her virtual visit, Ambassador Quinn spoke to the Hotchkiss community about emerging global issues and the skills she found essential in her career as U.S. diplomat.

2018 Hotchkiss Ambassador Speaker Series
During a two-day program in 2018, Ambassador Neumann gave remarks titled “Role of Diplomacy: What Can Diplomacy Achieve?” and led discussions in five different classes on topics including: diplomacy as a policy tool, diplomacy as a career, anatomy of a revolution, and case studies of Afghanistan, Syria, Algeria and Iran.