Feb 26, 2025
AAD Staff

for Books of Distinction on the Practice of American Diplomacy
This award seeks to honor books, and their authors, that deal with the subject of American diplomacy including, but not limited to, the way US foreign policy is developed and carried out, and the opportunities and the limitations of diplomatic practice. Both official diplomatic relations between governments and non-official “Track Two” and other activities that supplement government-to-government diplomacy fall within the scope of this competition. Biographies, autobiographies, and personal memoirs that relate to diplomatic practice and process are welcome.
The award includes a cash prize of $5,000 and is customarily presented at the Academy’s Annual Awards Luncheon ceremony in the Benjamin Franklin Room at the U.S. Department of State in the late fall/early winter.
Eligibility Criteria:
Published in the U.S.,
Published within the period of July 11, 2024 to July 10, 2025,
Written by an American citizen,
Focused on the subject of American diplomacy,
Submitted by the publisher by the deadline, Monday, July 14, 2025 (early submissions are welcome and encouraged).
Submission Instructions:
Step 1: Mail Hard Copies (Required)
To submit a title for consideration, publishers should mail six (6) published copies of the nominated book to the following address:
American Academy of Diplomacy
Attn: Maria Reissaus
1200 18th Street, NW Suite 902
Washington, D.C. 20036
Telephone: 202-331-3721
Step 2: Submit Digital Copy (Highly recommended)
In addition to hard copies, the Academy strongly encourages publishes to submit a digital copy of the nominated title (e.g., PDF, Kindle or e-book formats) to help facilitate the review process by Book Committee members. It can be emailed to:
Digital copies are only shared with Book Committee members. If the publisher’s internal policies require a watermark on a digital submission, we ask that you add it in such a way that does not inhibit reading.