Oct 20, 2021
AAD Staff

Washington, D.C. – Each year, the American Academy of Diplomacy honors one outstanding reporter and one distinguished commentator with its Arthur Ross Media Awards for Distinguished Reporting and Analysis on Foreign Affairs. Today, the Academy is proud to announce that the winners of the 2021 Ross Media Awards are
In Reporter Category:
Kathy Gannon
News Director for Afghanistan and Pakistan The Associated Press
In Columnist/Commentator Category:
Ishaan Tharoor
Foreign Affairs Columnist The Washington Post
The Ross Media Awards are given in honor of the late Arthur Ross and are endowed by the Ross Foundation. The awards seek to recognize individuals or groups of individuals (e.g., a news bureau) whose reporting and analysis on diplomacy and foreign affairs is making a singular contribution to public understanding of the critical role played by diplomacy in the furtherance of America’s foreign policy interests. The 2021 Ross Award winners will formally receive their awards at the Academy’s Annual Awards Luncheon on November 9, 2021.
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