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The Foreign Policy Advisor Program: Diplomats Among Warriors

In May 2013, the American Academy of Diplomacy and the Simons Center for Interagency Cooperation jointly hosted a conference called The Foreign Policy Advisor Program: Diplomats Among Warriors on the role of the State Department Foreign Policy Advisor, or “POLAD,” who serve with the US military.

In May 2013, the American Academy of Diplomacy and the Simons Center for Interagency Cooperation jointly hosted a conference called The Foreign Policy Advisor Program: Diplomats Among Warriors on the role of the State Department Foreign Policy Advisor, or “POLAD,” who serve with the US military.

The event was held at the American Foreign Service Association. Event speakers included Acting Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs Thomas Kelly, Director of the Army Staff Lieutenant General William J. Troy, General (Ret.) David Petraeus, and Ambassador (Ret.) Michael Gfoeller. Ambassador (Ret.) Ronald Neumann moderated the discussions.

The report discusses the POLAD program’s importance and growth – a 600% increase in seven years – and the importance of maintaining State and DoD relationships as a key part of the POLAD’s mission. Also covered in the report is the POLAD program’s role in greater whole-of-government integration; the program’s contribution to increased State-Defense understanding and coordination; selection and training of POLADS; role of the POLAD as part of the military commander’s special staff; and importance of personal “chemistry” in the POLAD-commander relationship.

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